My new Civil War armies have just arrived and I couldn't be more excited! I'm like a kid again. :)
I have been planning and working on the composition, layout, and other details of these Civil War Armies since my trip to Gettysburg last Fall. It took most of a year, but the project is now complete and the playing can begin.
The figures are Sash and Saber, Old Glory 2nd Edition, Foundry, and a few Perrys. The quality of the figures is quite good, but the painting is what really makes them sing. All hail Scott MacPhee, the artist that was good enough to take on the job of painstakingly painting and basing hundreds of miniature figures.
Scott is a rarity these days: a craftsman of the old school who is dedicated to creating works of art through hard work, talent, and skill. What he was able to do with these pieces of lead is truly amazing. His artistry brought these miniatures to LIFE, and now I have the privilege of owning and playing with works of art. You can see Scott's work here on this site and on his Blog (link is listed as one of my favorites), which is truly an inspiration and a pleasure to read.
My first blog showing the figures is a re-fight of Longstreet's attack on the 2nd Day at Gettysburg. I used my rules adaptation of Command and Colors: Ancients/ Battle Cry system by Richard Borg.
Glenn, thanks for the info...great site