Law and Benning's Brigades head directly for the extreme end of the Union left flank south of Devil's Den.

After a brief but bitter fire fight, Law's Brigade wraps around the left flank of Sickles' line.
In a bloody running fight, the union troops withdraw back toward Little Round Top while the Confederate units continue to hammer them and swing to their left.

Eventually the battered remnant of Vincent's Brigade rallies around the Colonel of the 20th Maine near the crest of the rocky knoll.

But the resistless tide on Rebels sweeps over them led by the famous, Colonel William Calvin Oates (3rd President of the Confederate States of America).

Supported by part of Robertson's Brigade led by Hood himself, the Confederate attack looks like it will break the Union left and drive the enemy from the field.

Sickles rides to the extreme left and orders his men to stand firm.

Hood urges his men forward into Devil's Den and down the slope of Little Round Top to finish the Union left flank. Meanwhile the rest of Sykes V Corps arrives...

And turns south to counter-attack.
A vicious fight ensues near the north face of Little Round Top over to Devil's Den. Charge and Counter-charge cause mounting casualties, and after a time Law and Benning's Brigades are fought out. Hood's success in driving the Yankees back so far means that he is out of supporting distance of reinforcement's from the rest of his Division. he has no choice but to fall back between the Round Tops.
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